Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Challenge of Preaching the BIBLE!

As a Pastor in Downstate New York, I have noticed many unusual challenges that face the Body of Christ. It has become very disturbing to me that those of us who are the Shepherds of Congregations do not deal with sin as we should. I would like to pose a question for those of you who are possibly reading this blog and would like your honest answer.

Are those of us whom God has Chosen, Anointed, and Appointed to lead congregations to stuck in ourselves that we have forgotten what we are to preach or have we become to afraid to preach against sin because we may lose our pulpits?

I want to hear from everybody who will respond!

Abundant Blessings,

Pastor Norman W. Scott

1 comment:

  1. Great question pastor, I think that the issue you raise may have to do with the cultural climate that we operate in. We live in a season where the traditional language of the Bible seems harsh and a hard fit. People today are not comfortable with words that suggest judgement and prefer to have conversations that make them feel good.

    Having said that, let me say that I agree with you in terms of what our mission and assignment is. I suppose that our challenge is how to convey the historic truths of the Bible in such a way that does not turn off our audiences so that they listen to us prior to not hearing us
